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Mark Monsarrat

Mark Monsarrat

spiritu   August 12, 2012  
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Mark Monsarrat
A plein air artist creating traditional oil landscape paintings inspired by the Hudson River School, Craftsman (Arts and Crafts), and Early California Impressionism styles, is a recent MFA graduate from the Academy of Art University in San Francisco

San Francisco, CA  94110
(415) 824-8819

Artist Statement
I paint oil landscapes in the classic Early California/ Craftsman, tonal-colorist tradition, both outdoors (plein-air) and in-studio. I am inspired by the Hudson River School, the California Impressionists, and the Arts and Crafts Movement, including such painters as Durand, Keith, Bierstadt, Hill, Wendt, Payne, as well as today's masters of landscape painting.


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