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Alexander Valley

Alexander Valley

spiritu   April 25, 2012  
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P.O. Box 248
Healdsburg, CA  95448

Founded in 1992, the Alexander Valley Winegrowers' mission is to increase awareness of and appreciation for the unique qualities of Alexander Valley and our extraordinary wines. The valley is home to more than 40 wineries, each producing distinctive, unassuming wines made by distinctive, unassuming people. Located at the north end of Sonoma County, the Alexander Valley AVA (American Viticultural Area) is 22 miles in length and varies in width from two to seven miles. The valley includes the valley floor and hills to the east and west encompassing approximately 76,900 acres, with more than 15,000 currently planted to premium wine grapes. Alexander Valley received federal recognition as an AVA in 1984.


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