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Clear Lake

Clear Lake

spiritu   April 26, 2012  
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Clear Lake
PO Box 1908
Middletown, CA  95461

This breathtaking wine region is located just two hours by car from the San Francisco Bay area. It surrounds Clear Lake, California’s largest natural freshwater lake, and sits at the foot of Mt. Konocti, a dormant, multiple volcano that forms a prominent and majestic landmark. Boasting California's cleanest air, Lake County is luxuriously rural, pure and spectacular.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Clear Lake AVA is an American Viticultural Area located in Lake County, California. Half of the area contained within the boundaries of the AVA is Clear Lake, the largest body of freshwater in the state of California, and the namesake for the county. The moderating influence of the lake on the surrounding area results in a climate with less diurnal variation in temperature than surrounding areas. Clear Lake AVA is one of the coolest climates in California, which has led to success with grape varietals like Sauvignon Blanc.


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